Artist Meet & Greet at the Park City Library // Vincent Mattina

The art of Vincent Mattina is complex. His steampunk style of layered collages draws you into the work and you either feel intrigue or unease. Each viewer can take away a different story from each of his pieces. Are you in Mattina’s dream state or predictions of the future? 

Mattina’s work is currently being exhibited, along with Saltgrass Printmakers, at the Park City Library until March 24th. On February 19th, the public is invited to join the Park City Photography Club’s monthly meeting at 6:30pm at the Park City Library. Mattina will be their featured speaker and following the meeting, Mattina will walk through his exhibit with attendees.

Mattina’s artistic style comes from his professional background in marketing, where he gained mastery in Photoshop and Illustrator. His marketing tools blended well with his love of art as he explores the digital arena and its impact on our contemporary lifestyles. Spiritualism, environmentalism, and technology are ever present in Mattina’s work. Some of Mattina’s collage pieces contain over 50 layers of imagery. Each piece of artwork contains dense, well-composed details.

When you visit the exhibit, don’t forget to take a moment to visit the Park City Library’s “Park City Room,” where the art hung is exclusively Park City related. Mattina created a piece specifically for the Park City Room that features the Silver King Mine. Upon moving to Salt Lake City in 2016, Mattina visited the area where the mine was located and was excited to create a piece on the historical landmark. Mattina’s piece nicely parallels the art work of Patricia Smith, who has two pieces on display on the landmark as well.

For more information about the artist meet and greet event, visit their Facebook page.

Becca LaelPark City Library