Park City is not only home to world class arts and culture experiences, we have a growing creative maker movement. From artisan chocolate and coffee to ski poles, t-shirts, shoes, books, jewelry, and toys, our town is bursting with locals who have moved a creative vision from idea to product.

In December 2016, the Park City Summit County Arts Council launched a three day pop-up called BRANDed PC to showcase some of our creative producers and tell their stories. The space was designed as a gallery, editorial spotlight, and matchmaker between makers and the larger community.

Twenty-four local creative entrepreneurs participated in the three day event that brought in hundreds to shop and learn about more about the visionaries, dream chasers, and risk takers that make up our creative sector.

Being a maker takes guts, hope, and hard work. It takes community. The Arts Council believes in the power of community. The power of buying local. The power of acknowledgement. We support our creatives and local brands and look forward to producing more events that spotlight this growing sector. Learn more about the people, products, and BRANDed PC project here.


Hadley DynakBRANDed PC