Joshua Robinson in Cabaret: A key role for all time

cabaret promo poster is disappointing, forget it! Come to the Cabaret, old chum!

The Cabaret Emcee must distract his patrons and let them forget about political and economic chaos outside. Joshua Robinson, in his first lead role succeeds as Emcee.

As a kid, Joshua felt a powerful connection with Joel Grey's 1972 movie performance. He wanted to play this role not only due to its incredible message, dark humor, and openly queer themes, but also to be that representation for others like himself.

“Very few roles embody a strong queer character who can be as feminine and wild as he pleases. Even fewer aren't the butt of a joke or a caricature of a LGBT individual. When I was young and out, I searched to find my place in a very conservative environment, tried to find other people like me.”

A Utah native, Joshua has been with The Ziegfeld for about 5 years and has performed at Park City Egyptian in productions of West Side Story, Young Frankenstein, and Rock of Ages. “I like working up here and feel so blessed to be performing in one of the most beautiful, lively cities in Utah.”

He notices Park City audiences are a bit different from Ogden. “There is a learning curve on what the audiences think are the funnier parts. How long to wait for applause can change drastically from city to city.  Every show is different. It’s about listening to your audience and responding quickly. My leading lady in this show is the audience, which I have come to find, varied, engaging, heartbreaking, and lovely.”

Joshua feels Cabaret is incredibly poignant and timely to our American culture right now. “Why does this show have such a severe and visceral emotional impact? If we look into the history of the show, every production on the professional level has occurred during political change and sweeping culture shifts in our country. The first production in 1966 during the Vietnam War and Civil Rights movement, the movie in 1972 during the Watergate scandal, the revival in 1998 during the largest political shift surrounding LGBT rights in America. Cabaret follows the tide of political change, this production as equally timed. It shows us our history of political apathy, extremist groups, persecution, and the tragedies that follow, mirroring it to the audience. Which begs the asking; what side are you on?”

Cabaret plays at the Egyptian Theatre through July 23. Tickets available online here.