Live Classes are Back at Fox School of Wine

For locals and tourists alike, the Fox School of Wine is always adding new wine-tasting adventures and experiences to their list of events. Located in Park City, Fox School of Wine is a staple of our community that brings samplings of the world’s best to us. And while you’d think that Covid-19 and wine-tastings are mutually exclusive, Kirsten Henry Fox, the CEO of Fox School of Wine, says that this year has inspired creativity. She explains, “It is really nice to be able to offer something that people everywhere can enjoy.” 

In the last few weeks, live classes are back at Fox School of Wine. The Arts Council has added the weekly Saturday night Weekend Wine Series events to our calendar. And after preparation, Kirsten says, “we’re about to relaunch our live classes and if people are inclined, we feel comfortable saying that our doors will be open. We aren’t filling classes, we are limiting capacity, providing ample opportunity to physically distance, mandating mask wearing, and sanitizing in accordance with the guidelines in Summit County. We have been closed for live classes since the beginning of the pandemic and we love being a part of the community and so it’s been really hard on us.” Fox School of Wine is ready to reopen its door to us. 

For those opting for virtual events and private in-home events, Fox is also offering At-Home Blind Tasting Challenges, Private Live Virtual Tastings, and “A Party in a Box” Live Classes at Your Place! Kirsten says, "Because we stay at a broader topic in the virtual events to allow everyone to find a wine in their area that fits the topic, we do stay more general. But, there are so many interesting stories about how these varietals came to be, so it’s interesting to provide the history, stories, and geography about what you’re tasting. And personally, I love the study about the history of wine and the family-oriented history of the production of wine. In these virtual events, I don’t usually focus on brand specific information because it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to recall that exact wine, information, or food pairing ever again.”

Kirsten’s enthusiasm about all things wine is infectious. It’s simply exciting to see how Fox School of Wine has brought us together during this time. Whether it's a birthday party, family reunion, business office party, book club, or happy hour, you’ve got a spot for your next event. 

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