Olga Hegner: Local Art is Part of Summit County’s Spirit
Hegner’s artworks are often inspired by nature
She first visited Park City in the 1990s, and today Olga Hegner is a resident of almost 15 years: “our town is so special, beautiful, with plenty of recreational opportunities—no wonder everybody wants to visit it. I feel proud that we can offer a warm welcome.” Part of what makes this region so distinctive is, according to Hegner, a combination of spirit and creative vibrance. In her words, “There is an urge to create in this town, and I appreciate the support of the Arts Council in promoting it. There is a true mountain town spirit in art.”
It was her move to Summit County that inspired Hegner, who always had drawing and fine art on her mind, to begin painting—“Like any normal child I enjoyed drawing on wall paper, and growing up in Moscow I could not escape introduction to fine art museums and theaters. There was a time in my life when I had a choice to enter an art college or take a bar exam. I took the bar exam. Then I had a choice to sign up for a pro bono or go paint in Heber’s North Fields. I went for the latter.”
All-season artist!
Hegner’s emerging artistry found support within her new community, and she attended art classes through The Compass and Kimball Art Center. These classes fueled Hegner’s interest in deepening her own creative journey; she immersed herself in workshops with artists she admired and began participating in plein-air painting events, a practice she continues to this day: “I am lucky that I can paint here in Park City—[there are] plenty of subjects for plein-air.” Hegner also enjoys painting animals—her goldendoodle Flash is a frequent subject and an avid participant in Bark City culture—as well as people, faces, and figures. “The human subject is the most difficult one,” she observes, “I continue learning from the Masters, old and present, how to get good at that.”
Flash the Goldendoodle, Hegner’s muse and assistant, who allegedly “sheds like a Golden Retreiver and barks like a Poodle”
As a rising local artist with strong ties to the Park City Arts & Culture scene, Hegner was a natural fit for earlier iterations of CREATE PC, which popped up in various locations around town beginning in 2019. CREATE PC has always championed local artists, and as Hegner herself illustrates, “I am lucky that the Arts Council supports endeavors like mine…[Through CREATE PC] we [local artists] became friends and developed a community…I believe in an artists’ community. After spending hours and days painting alone it is important to connect with like-minded people. Social media gives us a platform, but it is not a substitute [for] real face-to-face talk and interaction.”
The creative community so cherished by Hegner and other local artists will carry into the new CREATE PC gallery space, which offers a more permanent home for local creatives to display and sell their art, as well as providing studio space for twelve artists in residence. As one of the CREATE PC artists in residence, Hegner hopes the local artwork will offer residents and visitors “something more in addition to the memories of the powder snow and fresh wind in the face—something spiritual and beautiful, some local art spirit.” CREATE PC serves as a beacon of creativity for Summit County residents; as Hegner proclaims, “art and creativity is a big part of our lifestyle here,” and having a gallery devoted to showcasing local artists is an expression of our county’s lifestyle and values. The gallery space is also a boon for visitors to our region, who can find singular art objects that evoke the spirit of Summit County. “We always crave to bring something tangible from the places we love to visit,” remarks Hegner. “It is different if you come back with a work of art, a print, a handmade coffee mug—just a look at those objects, a touch would bring up the memories. This is the reason I appreciate the Arts Council’s effort to give the local artists a gallery to represent their creations. And there is always that sentiment of getting something really local, made here, looking like this place—we local artists can fill the niche for the benefit of everyone.”
You can find Olga Hegner’s works on her website www.olgahegner.com, and also on Instagram @olgahegner and facebook. You can also catch her at the CREATE PC Grand Opening on February 1st, 5-8pm at the new CREATE PC gallery space at 1500 Kearns Blvd. Click here to learn more about CREATE PC and RSVP to the Grand Opening.