Local Author Profile: Bobbie Pyron

Local author Bobbie Pyron made a giant leap from being a working librarian who loved to write, to getting that first book published. A life-long passionate reader who considered books her best friends, Bobbie always knew she wanted to be a writer. “I couldn’t imagine anything more wonderful than writing a book, seeing it on a library shelf, and into the hands of a reader like me.”

She became a librarian due to her love of books but never lost that desire to write. “When I got to the point in my life that I had the time and mental energy to really devote to writing, I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until I saw one book I had written on a library shelf. I was fortunate enough to have that happen in 2009 with my first book, THE RING. Of course, just like with potato chips and dogs, one was not enough!”

Bobbie participated in a local writing/critique groups for 11 years. “Without their support, encouragement, feedback, and love, I would never have had the confidence and courage to persist and believe. Without a doubt, that group has and continues to make me a better writer. During my 11 years with them, we have all now been published!”

There are difficult moments along the way, mainly the rejections. “I had many rejections from both agents and editors for about five years before I got that crucial yes.” Even though she has five books out, all very well reviewed, she still gets rejections.

“There are times still (and often) when I think, why do I do this? It’s too lonely! It’s too hard! But I know deep inside myself that I have to write. Even if I were to never get published again, I have to write these stories.” 

Bobbie's latest book, A Pup Called Trouble was released this past winter on February 13, 2018. For more information on Bobbie and her books go to bobbiepyron.com

LiteraryBarbara Bretz