Park City Public Art Board's Favorite Local Pieces // Surroundings by Daniel Wycliffe


In our new blog series we will be featuring Park City Public Art Board Members favorite local art pieces. See public art through new eyes and experience what makes these pieces so special according to our Public Art Board members. Once you’ve read our blog, go experience these public art pieces for yourself! 

Our first blog will feature a favorite from Park City Public Art Board Member, Zizi Schirf.

My favorite piece in Park City’s public art collection would have to be Surroundings by Daniel Wycliffe at the Park City Library. 

It is a large piece that sets a quiet tone with its color scheme of blues, greys, greens and white .  It immediately enhances the library.

The landscape scene starts with summer on the hills, then a small time frame of oranges and reds. It continues to winter with whites and greys and then back to the green of spring.  

Floating above and in front of the piece are silver discs.  These are back lit so that each piece throws a shadow or cloud onto the mural.  This effect is best scene from a distance.

The details in the piece are actually quite subtle— the colors and shapes are words and the letters are the essence of the piece.

Most of the letters are cursive, some printed. Others are on top of typed words. 

You can see that some are covered by white turning the word grey.

This composition makes one think of what it would take to write a book...all those words...or you can become a little more introspective.  The letters change shape, color, font and position. Life does that. You change your mind, reset goals or just keep going on the same path.

The artist wanted to depict the Park City mountain-scape, mining, and weather. 

As with all art, interpretations are as varied as the people viewing the piece.  For me the essence of the piece is in the lettering which just required taking a little closer look.

What a lovely description! Thanks to PAAB member Zizi for the insight. Stay tuned for more Park City public art favorites in the coming months!

Visual ArtsZizi Schirf