Danni Deluca // Local Filmmaker Captures Vulnerability Through Film

For local emerging filmmaker Danni Deluca performing arts had a strong influence on her from a young age. Still to this day, the arts are deeply ingrained in her identity as a creative practitioner. “If you would’ve asked me when I was a kid what I'd want to do it was either sing in a nightclub or, be a movie star or a director. I just wanted to be a part of the action somehow.”

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FilmCharlene Rodriguez
International Mural Artist Sasha Primo is coming to Summit County this May

Spring into action this May and join artist Sasha Primo for an Art Talk, Community Workshops and Paint Days to help bring the Hoytsville Historical Mural to life! The Summit County Public Art Advisory Board, with support from the Arts Council will produce a historical mural to be installed at the Summit County Public Works Building in Hoytsville. This project was conceived in response to a request from Hoytsville residents for a public artwork that honors the unique history, landscape, and spirit of the region.

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Park City’s Latino Arts Fest Returns Welcoming Latinx Artists to Participate

Now accepting artist applications for the annual Latino Arts Festival! The sixth annual Latino Arts Festival, taking place on June 20-26, 2022 at various locations throughout Park City, will showcase and celebrate Latin American traditions and heritage. The six-day event brings our community together to highlight the beauty and creativity of Hispanic and Latino culture through creative art forms including food, film, fine art, craft, live music and folkloric dance, offering opportunities for all people to connect and interact with one another through arts and culture.

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Summit County Traveling Art Exhibit at the Kimball Junction Library Now through May 21st

I chose these pieces from the Summit County art collection because they initially stood out to me during my first walk through at the Coalville Courthouse where the collection permanently lives. The included pieces individually captivated my attention and called me to look closer or think harder at what exactly I was looking at, not because I couldn't tell what the subject matter was but more of where the subject matter was taking me.

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